Anyway, Mr. Wonderful hadn’t arrived yet, and I was sweating up a storm and really didn’t want to be stinky or have to go wash my underarms in the bathroom sink every 20 minutes throughout the rest of the night. So Lara offered up a brilliant solution.
She said, “Here, rub your armpits against mine and see if you can scrape off some of my deodorant.”
If that’s not true friendship, I don’t know what is. I just hope someone got a picture.
Happy Birthday, Lala!
That is true friendship!!
And more importantly, I love doing Copacabana when I karaoke. I've even got choreography for it.
I almost fell off my chair laughing! First, what's better Karaoke than Barry Manillow - Second the sight of you and your BF rubbing armpits - fricking hysterical. What a friend & what a night!! Happy, happy 32nd Bday!!!
That, without a doubt, is about the truest definition of friendship I've read in a long time. Hilarious!
Allie could have told if you had your deoderant on!
Michael C - Could you please video yourself doing the choreographed Copacabana dance and post it on your blog? Thanks.
Semichrmd - I'm tellin' ya - she's the best friend ever. Not many people would rub armpits with me (and in a public place, no less).
GH - Would guys ever do that? I'm guessing not...
Mom - It would have been convenient to have Allie there for the sniff test...I'll keep that in mind for next time.
I love you and I would do it again! You've always got my back so the least I could do is get your pits :) Love you, love you, love you!
Lara - No, YOU.
hahaha! that is hilarious and definitely a characteristic of a true friend!
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