So as Halloween approached, I thought—what better character to be than an incarnate of my pet name?
I began the hunt for the perfect costume and was quite disappointed by the selection. I thought I was going to have to modify a baby outfit because they seemed to be the cutest options available.
Then I went shopping at Target. And spotted this beautiful lawn ornament. I was smitten. All it took was some handiwork with a utility knife, jigsaw and drill, and voila: I had a barrel-shaped pumpkin costume to slip into.
Mr. W has no idea what I'm dressing up as. Hopefully he won't randomly read this before the party tonight. I think he's going to crack up when he sees me.
Happy Halloween everyone!
The costume is great! I've heard a lot of my friends complaining that it's been hard to find costumes this year. They're either "sexy this or that" or Sarah Palin.
I like your ingenuity. Although, I would've been very interested to see how you modified a baby outfit!
Love it. I'm not dressing up this year - or maybe I'm just going as an exhausted pregnant mother of a very rambuncious 3 year old little boy. I must admit, though, taking kids trick-or-treating sure brings back all the fun memories of halloween!!! Have a great time at your party.
"some handiwork with a utility knife, jigsaw and drill"
You're my hero.
happy Halloween!
awesome! love the tights too...very cute! not sure though how the pumkin will manage to get a mammogram...i'm sure you'll figure out something (and hopefully write about it later).
happy halloween!
Dingo - Yeah I was trying to go anti-sexy. I swear, every female costume out there is like a glorified German bar maid. I gave in a little though, and am downsizing my shorts tonight to Victoria's Secret boy short undies :D.
Amy - You're pretty much wearing a pumpkin around your waist every day!
Leslie - Thanks! :) I can't take all the credit - my dad did the jigsawing.
Laura - I know - the one year I stick my boobs under a plastic contraption, I have a face to put them in. Darn it! Hope you guys are doing something fun tonight!
Another reason why target is the best store EVER! Your costume is super cute - I think MR W is going to be quite surprised! Happy Halloween!!!
Okay, you are super cute! I was Michael Phelps... Skin colored body suit, speedo, flip flops, swim cap, goggles and head phones. I think I scared away a lot of the trick or treaters with the speedo
haha, i love it! can't wait to hear mr. w's response!
Next year can you be a PEANUT? I love your costume! You look so cute!
Aww what a great idea! And I love that you took matters into your own hands (along with the utility knife!) and carved out the perfect costume for yourself.
Get it? Carve? Pumpkin?
Sigh. I'm so lame with the word puns lately. I blame the excessive sugar. Someone needs to take this leftover halloween candy away from me.
Love, Love, LOVE the Pumpkin costume. Thanks for inviting us to the party. I had a good time and am so glad that I saw you!
You look adorable...I hope you found a way to get a mammogram! I hope you will have pictures to share tomorrow night...
VERY cute costume and VERY impressed that you didn't end up as Slutty Pumpkin. I've seen enough variations on a slutty theme to last me 'til next year.
What fun! A cute outfit that doesn't require painting your face. Nice job!
I bet you'd make for a hot sweet potato - too bad you didn't go that route. So he calls you pumpkin and you call him mamogram man?
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