Good morning, readers. How pretty is that picture above? I took it yesterday afternoon in Marina del Rey during the 2-hour bike ride Mr. Wonderful and I went on. Needless to say, my butt is a little seat-sore today. But the sunset made it worthwhile.
Another highlight of the day—coming home and eating Mr. W’s delicious pork tenderloin, grilled artichokes and pumpkin orzo which, as you can see below, he served in a baked pumpkin. As I was running down to the car to get my camera so I could snap a picture of said cute pumpkin, I was surprised by a visitor in his front yard. Sadly I couldn’t get a picture of the visitor, but it was a beautiful doe who was dining on some ivy. She wasn’t afraid of me at all…until I tried to capture her with the digital camera. Then, of course, she bounded into the street and darted up a neighbor’s walkway. Still amazing to me that you can find wildlife right in Hollywood.
For those of you who don’t want to barf from schmoopiness overload, skip this paragraph. But if you want a dose of über cuteness, you’ll enjoy the fact that on Saturday night when we were shopping for dinner at Whole Foods, Mr. W sneaked a chocolate advent calendar into our groceries for me. The bag boy picked it up and said, “Is this one giant piece of chocolate?” The check-out girl glanced over her shoulder, “No, it’s a calendar—you get a piece of chocolate every day.” “That’s not ours,” I said, thinking the customer before us had left it behind. “No I got that for you, pumpkin,” Mr. W said. Swoon.
Okay so now the bigger highlights that I would like some help decoding, Yeah, yeah, I know I’ve been tossing these at you for awhile but I have to wonder if there is actually any substance or meaning behind them. And, it’s cathartic for me to write about them.
I’m a big believer in positive energy and manifestation. I never read The Secret, but I’ve read plenty of other books that advocate the same premises, and when one of my friends suggested I make a “boy collage” before my 30th birthday, I was totally on board. Who doesn’t want to manifest their dream man with a collage?
Anywhoo, I’ve been telling Mr. W that my collage is an awful lot like him. Then, Friday night I decided to let him see for himself. I pulled it out and he chuckled as I pointed out all the things that were clear representations of him. Then he pointed to the big fat diamond Tiffany engagement ring picture I have on there and said, “And what’s that?" Uhhhh… “Nothing,” I suddenly felt very shy.
Reference number two came when we were talking about New Year’s resolutions and I was telling him how every year I make a long list of lofty goals and somehow, the same ones keep ending up on my lists over and over. And he said, “Like Get Married?” Ummm… “No this year it was just to tell someone I love them and mean it.” Of course, he then teased me and asked if I only dropped the L-bomb on him to check it off my list.
So, brilliant readers, tell me: Do these mean something new? Are they tests? Insignificant jokes? It seems that the frequency has increased a smidge and I cannot help but wonder if maybe there’s some happily ever after juju coming my way in the next 6 – 24 months.
It's hard to know since I haven't met you in real life but it seems like you are both very happy together. That alone is something to be over the moon about, right? If getting married is something you really want for yourself, I hope it happens!
I'm with Miss Sizz. It's hard to know what Mr. W is thinking re: marriage, but it does seem like he's over the top in love with you, and you with him. If you have that as a solid groundwork, then I'm thinking things are going in the right direction.
PS- He reads your blog right?
Sizzle - Thanks. :) It's not the marriage part that matters as much as just having a lifetime of happy days with this guy. I'm sure you know what I mean...
Brookem - You're write, it is hard to know. That's probably why I keep trying to figure it all out! He only reads the blog when I tell him to...usually...hopefully... :)
Brookem - Please excuse my "writer" typo in the first sentence...
I need to learn from your positive feelings attitude. I'm too much of a cynical realist and squash any bits of optimism that pop up in fear of disappointments. I think the fact that he isn't scare of all these little incidents is a mighty big sign he's planning to stick around! - Jane
At a minimum, Mr. W feels very comfortable with you. Because people don't joke about topics like that (or at least, they shouldn't ... and Mr. W doesn't seem like someone who would joke when he doesn't mean it).
And as others have said, you guys seem to be in a really good place together. And you are personally over the moon. Ride that wave while it lasts!
I hate being a girl.
I wonder if we passed each other on the bike trail Sunday and didn't know it?
As for the rest of it, I have no idea. I wouldn't be the type to be coy or shy about expressing how I feel about someone if there were anyone. Hell, if I thought anyone were that interested in me, I'd probably just blurt it out.
Any man who sneaks chocolate in the cart is a keeper. :)
I'm the last one who should comment on this blog...I was COMPLETELY surprised when Mike proposed to me. I've told him many times I didn't even think marriage was on his mind. He seems to think I'm crazy for thinking that. Not sure if I was just naieve or didn't want to jinx it by thinking about it too much. Either way, you have found someone wonderful...that's all that matters!!
Day-um! Any guy that can make pumpkin orzo and sneak a chocolate advent calendar into the grocery cart is a keeper.
I'm totally with Dingo - Pumpkin Orzo (In a freaking pumpkin) and a advent calendar (chocolate included!) is a swoon worthy to the max. I think maybe he is dropping subtle hints, but that could just be the helpless romantic in me. Guess it comes with the territory.
First of all, LOVE Marina del Rey. Second, I'm coming to visit you all. Be warned.
Third, how schmoopy of you. haha
Fourth, maybe that's what I need, a boy collage.
Fifth, I don't know about Mr. W, but sometimes when I'm trying to become more comfortable with an idea, or make it more real to me, I will talk about it here and there. Maybe he is dropping hints, but maybe they're just as much to him as to you. Just a thought from a have-been-proposed-to-but-never-married person.
I don't know what orzo is, so he has already impressed me.
In my experience with my own by and my friend's boys; guys have a pre-marriage checklist that typically revolves around the role of the provider (i.e. buy a house, make $100K, learn to stop leaving skid marks in my underpants, etc.). Once they've knocked off all the things on their list, their usually set to get married.
The trick, I guess, is to know what's on his list.
6-24 months is quite a large window and very patient of you. Good girl! I think you can keep sharing these little pockets of things about you - bit by bit - but don't overwhelm him just yet ;) Guys are funny when it comes to timelines, agendas and big life decisions. Take it from me! It will all work out :)
6-24 months....let's hope it's closer to 6...but i do think it's going to happen, perhaps even this holiay season!!
happy thanksgiving to you and your family!!
You are such a girl.
I hope it's soon...and you better not elope!
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