It was wrong a couple weeks ago when I used my 14-year old niece as a front to go see the movie 17 Again. Wrong that I muttered “oh my gawd” multiple times upon seeing Zac Efron. Wrong that I leaned over and asked her, “Is he legal?” (For the record, he is 21…which is a totally acceptable cougar-bait age).
I should probably be feeling remorse for my perverted, immature behavior and thinly veiled attempt to spend quality time with my niece. But I’m having a hard time because it felt so right to see his sculpted, young abs. And righter than right to stare at those pretty lips and swoon over those baby blue eyes. And as we shrilly whispered back-and-forth “he’s SO hot,” I think my niece and I were bonding on a new level. So maybe it’s not so wrong.
What might be wrong, however, is that this morning I IMed my sister and asked her if she and my other niece would like to go see the movie again tomorrow night…
I am a 33-year old woman and I want to spend my Friday night watching Zac Efron. Perhaps the cats, wine and scrapbooking weren’t so bad afterall…
your perverted, immature behavior = the reason i read this blog. and BTW...you are totally a cougar cub (not quite old enough to be a full grown cougar).
I am a self declared cougar! Was SOOO excited to go to Idol this week swoon over Adam, and was wondering if I could go to the movies with you, my little cub?!
No don't feel bad. Though, I feel shameful of my crush too at times. But he's beautiful. So very dreamy. It's kind of ridiculous actually. But seriously do not feel bad. You’re not like a Mary Kay Letourneau or anything, he’s in his twenties.
I will totally go with you to the movie if you need to watch it with someone your age. You know, safety in numbers.
Beware! Beware! I say go with Hannah. If you go with your niece, your enjoyment of the experience will be obliterated the first time she runs into a friend of hers who sees the two of you together and asks her, "Is that your mom?"
Ummm...I TOTALLY UNDERSTAND!!! Although my cougar love is for Robert Pattinson as Edward in Twilight...only Twilight. It's weird and doesn't feel right...but I can't help it. To quote Danny Elfmann "I, I, I, love little [boys] they make me feel so good...I love, little [boys] they make me feel so bad."
P.S. Oh, and for law enforcement purposes, by little, I mean 18 - early 20's.
Cougar Cub took not only 2 of her neices to drool over Zac, but her Big Sis Cougar too....Pure Perfection that young man is! I've taught her well.
Yeah, substitute niece for goddaughter and your movie for Finding Nemo; and you got me. Plus, I conned The Hubster into seeing X-men under the guise that I love action movies, but I really wanted to drool over Hugh Jackman.
Goodness, his wife is one lucky woman!
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