I was in one of the local shops recently when I came upon the refrigerator magnet above and was so taken with it, I bought it for Mr. W. When I showed it to him later that evening, he looked at me with puppy dog eyes and said, “I would never say that…”
And I said, “But if you did, it would be funny!”
I don’t know if it’s the lack of social obligations or the surplus of free time during the day or some internal quirk coming to light, but I’m actually enjoying the domestic duties that have come with living here. I don’t mind making the bed every morning or checking the hamper to see if Mr. W needs me to wash his man panties. I can’t help but fluff the pillows on the couch and check the fridge to see if we need anything from the market. And I LOVE loading and unloading the dishwasher…surely just because I don’t have one at home.
For decades, women have been fighting to stop doing all of these things and I’m thinking, ya know, they’re not so bad.
I think I could even keep it up if we happened to move in together at some point when we get back to the states. There’s something almost nurturing about it all. Like I’m taking care of my man while he’s hard at work. I know, how very 1950s of me…
Am I crazy? Has the British humidity steamed my brain?
I don't think there's a thing wrong with that! My "issue" you might say with the women's lib perception is that there's something wrong with a woman who's really good at and happy with taking care of her man, her home, her relationship. There's not.
Oops, that was me. :)
whatever. must be all the wine and guinness. you'll get back to your senses when you return home.
Whatever! The whole point of feminism is having the right to CHOOSE what you want (in my opinion anyways). If you want to make your man a sandwich, why not? He'll just pay it back ten fold in everything he does for you. :P
Yeah it's all fun and games while you're just pretending.
JustRun - I'm not sure I'd want to do it full-time, but I don't think I'll mind juggling it all some day.
Laura - Haha. You mean you don't wash Danny's man panties?
Jane - You're right...choices...so if I hit a point when I choose to have a maid make my man a sandwich that will be okay too. :P
Mandy - And then when it's real, it totally sucks?
um, you just said you like loading and unloading the dishwasher. so YES, you are crazy!
just kidding.
but really, i totally know what you mean. feeling like you're taking care of someone is a really good feeling.
look at you all in love and swoony over your man.
After having 2 kids and trying to manage working, cleaning, and keeping my famiy happy, I often wish that I could "just" be a housewife and mother. Thay are the most rewarding and important jobs anyone can have!!!
do what you do girl - everyone is different! it's your life, your entitled to do whatever you want for your man. Eat it up :)
I do not think you are crazy. Keeping a house is hard work! I think I could do it...if I got to be like, the president of some sort of social club too. Heh. ;-)
Wow!!! I just looked back at my message and realized all the typos. Guess being a mom really does shrink your brain!!
I don't think it's that women have been fighting to stop doing those things, I think that it's that women have been fighting the idea that it's her JOB to do those things.
Sure, it's fun now but I'm positive that if both of you were working full time you'd be a little put out if you were the only ones doing those things around the apartment (excuse me, the "flat").
Wow! Okay, I just read my comment and it sure came across as a Debbie Downer. No, I came across as a bitch. Not how I meant it AT ALL! So, feel free to insert some "ha ha!" and LOLs in there to lighten the mood.
And, to keep the good times going, when you get back to the states, you can come clean my house whenever you are missing Mr. W's flat.
you never know, you might end up laying out the "flat man" one of these days!!
I agree that, siloed, I really like doing a lot of things that are considered domestic. My problem with those things are it's so hard to enjoy them after a long day of work. So long as you're able to find some sort of balance ... there's no reason why you shouldn't enjoy them!
I dunno, but if you feel the pressing need to clean a bathroom when you come back stateside, you're more than welcome to come over. I'm willing to make that sacrifice for you, my friend. ;)
I would kind of like to get married and throw my man's man panties in the wash, and live happily ever after, does that make me old-fashioned too?
I don't think you're 'giving women's lib a bad name' here. You're enjoying yourself and there's nothing wrong with that. That's actually empowering and a great addition to feminism- good for you for talking about it in a public forum.You have a choice about who you want to be and what you want to do. These choices however, are a result of many women (and men) that have fought for the idea that woman should be entitled to be whatever she wants to be and that there is value in her decision. I think it's important to remember that. I find zero joy in loading my dishwasher- for myself or anyone else. Thank goodness I have the freedom to choose a different career path, otherwise I'd be a pretty miserable individual- yay for social progression. Now if I could only find someone to make my bed and wash my panties....
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