The company I work for is forcing us to use 3 vacation days the week after Christmas so that they can close down and get people’s extra time off the books before the 1st. I was less than thrilled when I found out this news. As you may know, I’ve used quite a bit of vacation time over the last year and don’t really have any to spare…
But instead of lamenting my dwindling days-off supply, Mr. Wonderful and I decided to plan a trip up the California coast. We’ll be doing it Euro-style, staying in a different locale every night and trying to cram in as much sightseeing as we can each day.
We’ll hit Fresno first to visit his dad and check out the flip house. Then it’s off to Paso Robles for some wine tasting, followed by San Luis Obispo for some neighborhood investigation (we think eventually we’d like to move north of LA). Next will be Carmel with a visit to the Monterey Aquarium so I can talk to the otters in my cat lady voice, and on the way down to our final stop—Solvang—we may duck into Hearst Castle for a bit.
On Thanksgiving, I mentioned the possibility of Mr. W’s and my travels to my dad and I think we both had the great idea that it would be fun for he and my mom to meet us in Solvang. At the time, I didn’t realize we would be there on New Year’s Eve. But that’s how the roadtrip schedule worked out, and when I emailed my mom to see if they still wanted to meet up, she booked a room almost immediately.
Me, Mr. W, Mom and Dad on New Year’s Eve. It’s going to be a wild one.
When I informed Mr. W that the Hetherington Seniors were in fact joining us, he said, “They’re not staying in our room are they?” I’m not sure who that would be more traumatic for. But thankfully my mom has assured me they’ll request a room as far away from us as possible. So we can all sleep soundly in our footie pajamas in our separate bunk beds.
My first reaction was: "You're going to FRESNO?!?"
My boyfriend/fiance is from Fresno and he hasn't exactly described it in glowing terms. In fact, when people express dismay that he lives in Detroit, he always responds, "Oh, but I'm from Fresno. Detroit is nice!"
But I'm always suspicious of people who are from a place and don't like it. I figure it must not be as bad as they remember, because they're biased or something.
What does Mr. W think of Fresno? Is he from there too?
That's great! Do you think you'll be able to keep your eyes open until the 9pm ball drop in New York?
BTW...we will be in Carmel, Monterey and SF that week too...maybe we'll see you at the Acquarium. :)
Sounds like you'll have a great time. And I look forward to hearing how Grandma and Grandpa Heth behaved.
We're going on a cruise next week (hell yeah!) with my cousin and her 11 year old daughter. The Hubster was adamant about having at least 1 room of strangers between us and her daughter. I assume he didn't want our late-night Bible readings to keep the girl up.
New Years in Solvang sounds dreamy. Would Mr. W mind if I showed up in your room? I promise to be quiet and stay out of the way!
What will you do if you ever go camping and have to share the same RV?
Mandy - If you're lucky, maybe you'll get to take a trip to Fresno sometime too!
Laura - I'm sure there will be one, if not many, blogs to follow the trip with G&D.
Coconut - I love it! That's a great explanation for the "God" and "Jesus" exclamations!
Nilsa - You know you're always invited on all of our vacations. :P
Geekhiker - I can assure you that when that happens, Mr. W and I will be renting our own RV. :)
My mom took us to Solvang as a kid. She loved it there. I can totally picture it! I bet you'll have a nice time.
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