Thursday, April 22, 2010

We Heard Them AGAIN Last Night

The scenario was the same: Mr. W and I were perched on the couch, watching TV (Oprah interviewing Russell Crowe for the upcoming Robin Hood movie. Go see it—it's why Mr. W left me for London for 6 months).

Suddenly we heard a moan from the other side of the wall...and then the banging ensued. This time the waves of noise went on even longer. I don't know if they're filming a porno over there or what. Mr. W thinks there may be Viagra involved...


LesleyG said...

Yikes. A loud neighbor is one thing, but that kind of loud is the worst for many reasons. But, the cynic in me is wondering, is there even a second person over there? Maybe Wanda is just trying to appear in a certain, um, light?

Melissa Maris said...

Lesley - We actually joked about that. But there's WAY too much bed shaking for it to only be one person. I wondered if she had 5 or 6 people over there with her!

Sizzle said...

Maybe she just started dating this person. You know the sex is always pretty constant at the beginning of a relationship. Invest in ear plugs? Leave an anonymous note? Not sure what to tell ya here.

Did Mr. W find Mr. Crowe to be a belligerent ass? Because I've heard such about him. Of course, you can tell me off the record. ;-)

Nilsa @ SoMi Speaks said...

Clearly you and Mr. W don't turn your TV up loud enough.


BTW, my word verification is kicksm, which I think must mean Kick Sex Maniacs, right?

Mike129 said...

Well, aren't you the lucky one to get all that excellent free entertainment. :)

When they are done, perhaps you and Mr. W should reciprocate?

Melissa Maris said...

Sizzle - Even if they did just start dating, they sure seem to have a lengthy "duration." :P I'll email you offline about Mr. Crowe.

Nilsa - I think you're right! I'll just have to keep the volume up to like 50. Are you saying I should kick Wanda next time I see her?

Mike - I don't want to be even more embarrassed next time I see her in person!

Rachel said...

anonymous note is in order for sure! some people are just oblivious. or exhibitionists...whatever ;)

Hannah said...

Haha! We also live in a tiny building and the walls are paper thin. One night we heard our much older neighbor and his GF having... ahem..."relations". There was thumping on the wall they were screaming so loud it was like they were being murdered. I just about peed in my pants.

Big Sister said...

Maybe you and Mr. W should knock it out right after them, on your couch. She needs to have first hand experience in how thin the insulation is between the walls.

Anonymous said...

If they have 5 or 6 people over there, maybe you should be worried if she invites you over for, uh, "tea"...