Because my last post served mainly as a snapshot of the challenges of my new cohabitation situation, I thought I would balance it out with a look at the positives. There are quite a few, you know. Like...
Being able to talk to each other in person at night. Previously, we would each stay on IM until bed in case one of us wanted to tell the other something. This meant continual computer checks and, at times, long pauses between answers. Now I can yell down the hallway or whisper in his ear. While I'm addressing Christmas cards or petting the cats or filing my nails. Hooray for multi-tasking!
Mouthguard kisses. Hot, right? Well they're a heck of a lot better than the little smoochy face on IM.
A garage. I've never parked in a garage before. I mean, I've parked in a garage. But I've never had my own spot in one. It's quite delightful. My car will stay dry if it sprinkles at night. There's no bird poop on my windshield. And if I happen to need some drywall screws or Halloween costumes on my way to work, they're right there for me to grab...
The (Angels Singing in Heaven) dishwasher. This might be my favorite acquired item. I cannot tell you how many nights I spent cursing under my breath as I washed my dishes by hand at the apartment. Having a dishwasher is seriously the best thing ever. I haven't loved loading and unloading something this much since I got that Fisher Price shopping cart when I was 3.
Mr. Wonderful's cooking. It's Shut Up Good. Sometimes I think the food turns to gold when it hits my lips. The man is talented.
The view. Yes, that's it up there. The house is technically in The Hills (yes, those hills), so we have an incredible view of downtown LA from the front deck and living room window—and you can see even further from the top terrace patio in the backyard. Swoon.
A composter with live worms. Not dead ones.
My very own bathroom to stink up. Yes, I know I had my own bathroom at my apartment, but whilst living there, I would have to use Mr. W's bathroom whenever I stayed over. Now I can better maintain the facade that I am a delicate flower whose fragrance never shares a likeness with 3-day old hard-boiled eggs.
Grapevines in the backyard. Every morning, I open the curtains behind our headboard and stare out the window at the few little grapevines Mr. W has planted in the backyard. It's such a nice thing to wake up to. And it's totally helping me manifest that vineyard in our future...
The built-in exercise. I have to climb a couple flights to get from street-level to the house, and I'm really hoping it helps burn some of the thigh fat. I also feel like I have to walk a little further to get anywhere in the house. And then there's the constant sweeping. Surely, I'm going to be in killer shape by the time the wedding rolls around (99 days from today!)
The wine fridge. It's overstocked. We have bottles on the floor that won't fit in it and it's an absolute delight to go shopping around there and find the perfect pairing for whatever Mr. W's cooking!
The W. Of course that's the very best part of living with him. The living with him.
The reminder about the dead worms had me laughing all over again -- and then my jaw dropped with envy. No, not the composter, the wine fridge. The WINE FRIDGE! You must have been a very, very good girl in a prior life.
Aw, good stuff! Of course we knew it was there all along, but it is good to say it at times, too.
P.S. Dishwashers save lives. It's a fact.
And the good thing is that this list is much longer than the other!
Dingo - I can't believe you laugh at such tragedy! I still feel guilty that I accidentally killed all of them...
When you come visit LA, you can totally park yourself on the floor in front of the wine fridge and drink 'til your heart's content.
LesleyG - I totally believe you on the dishwasher front. They are a Godsend.
Danielle - Ha yes that is a good thing! And I didn't even write it that way on purpose. :)
A two-car garage? Dishwasher? House with a view? Grapes in the backyard? A WINE FRIDGE.
Oh, my God. You've become a yuppie. ;)
I remember being dishwasher-less and now that I'm almost 3 yrs into living in my apartment with a dishwasher it's all a sudsy dream. Love it!
Sounds like there are a lot of upswings to the move. :-)
sounds so nice, and that view...when can i move into the guest house?
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