Wednesday, April 27, 2011


I am a hoarder of folded papers and chicken scratch. I love lists like Lindsay loves booze and Paris loves animals that fit in her purse (Has anyone heard that she has a teacup pig? I did not know this, but now I want one).

Just about every week, I fashion a little folded piece of paper that houses my To Do list, grocery lists, birthday gift lists, lists of crafty things I want to make. You name it, I've listed it. Without my lists, I feel lost. And sometimes I write stuff down just so I can cross it off and feel like I've been extra productive.

But this week, in my freaky WhatNow newlywed phase, I started to question The Lists. Because even though Mr. W and I are desperate to lay down details about our future, we also seem to be totally mired in continual To Dos. I've been feeling like I have no time to just be. And The Lists might be the biggest culprit.

So I've been living listless for the past several days. I don't know yet if it's really having a huge impact on my "being" time. But it sort of makes me feel a little more spontaneous. And I think it may help stave off my early-onset Alzheimer's because it's forcing me to actually remember things rather than just looking at my paper scraps for a reminder.

We'll see how it goes. Although there's no way I'll be able to pack for Italy next week without my clothing matrix...


GeekHiker said...

Wait, you're going to Italy next week? Gawd my life is boring...

Maybe when you're there, and outside of the daily grind, you'll be able to find and lay down the details of your future like you're hoping to.

Nilsa @ SoMi Speaks said...

Did you say clothing matrix? Mwah, hilarious!

Sizzle said...

I believe we need to see this "clothing matrix". Please share!

Melissa Maris said...

GH - I think you need to plan a crazy adventure in Europe. It might change your life! And I think you're right - this is going to be a great opportunity for us to continue the brainstorm.

Nilsa - I thought I wrote about this back in '09 before I visited Mr. W in Europe. I may have to post the file. It was super handing in determining how many articles of clothing could be mixed and matched to create how many outfits. :)

Sizzle - I love that you're the type who loves a clothing matrix. :)

laura said...

My clothing matrix: pack everything you own, and buy more when you are there....even if it means you need to buy a suitcase to house all your purchases. Lucky for Mr. are a little more practical than I am. :)Have a great trip!

blakspring said...

as i'm reading this post, my own list is right next to the computer. girl, i know where you are coming from.

have fun in italy!