I was going to write a real post today about important British stuff...but I'm just not feeling motivated. Instead, I thought I'd just share some pictures from the lovely day Mr. Wonderful and I spent together at Kew Gardens.
Just a tube stop away from Richmond, the Gardens hold hundreds of plant species—some of which are extinct. Above, you can see the treetop walkway 60 feet above ground that winds through some of their giant oaks. Below, you can see some of the impressive "glass houses" as they call them here, and the beautiful flora that lie within them.
great pics!!!! you should definitely make an amazing scarpbook when you get home!!!
I swear, Mel... can we do that thing where we both wish upon a shooting star and we switch bodies? :p
I love public gardens. They provide serenity in otherwise populated areas. And such great flowers!
Why, 'ello little peacock! Aren't you a pretty lil fella! Here--have a crumpet!
I never could get into the formal garden thing, but that bridge is pretty darn cool.
But, wait, you can see extinct plant species? But, if they're extinct, how can you see them? But if you can see them, then they wouldn't be extinct? But... but... wait, this is one of those logic puzzles, isn't it?
Laura - I still haven't finished the Italy and Greece scrapbook! Oy vey it looks like I have many nights of drinking and scrapbooking with the cats ahead...
Jane - All comments like that are null and void now that I know you're climbing Kilaminjaro (how the heck do you spell that?).
Nilsa - Me too! There's a beautiful little one right across from our apartment here that I love.
Mermanda - I actually thought of you when I was posting that peacock picture! I should've caught him so you could have him at the wedding somewhere.
Geekhiker - I thought the same thing as I typed it...but Mr. W said there's extinct plants there. I think they have certain species that may have been wiped out everywhere else. Does that only make them endangered? I think you should look on the website for clarification. :)
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