When I was 20 years old, I packed up and moved down toward the beach to transition from community college to a state school. My girlfriend from high school already had an apartment in the area and welcomed me to it with open arms. I had never shared a bedroom with anyone before in my life…and we would be sharing bunk beds.
I remember feeling strange and excited all in the same as I settled in and found empty spaces for my stuff. I tried to make it feel like my place, too. I’m not sure it ever really did. Eight months later, I caved under the pressure of missing my first boyfriend and being wooed by my previous employer and I moved back to my childhood town, commuting to school for 2 more years.
That was 12 years ago.
Since then, I’ve had boyfriends stay with me at my place, but I’ve never had to make a home in someone else’s space. Until now.
It was an odd feeling to hang my clothes up in Mr. Wonderful’s closet. It felt funny to fill the shelf he’d cleared in the medicine cabinet. It was hard to figure out how everything worked—the stove, the stereo, the washing machine and dryer (seriously, who’s ever heard of a setting called “cupboard dry”?) But I’m happy to say, I think I’m getting the hang of it. And this feels like it might be about 35-40% my place. I’m sure 50% is yet to come.
Mr. W seems to be adjusting just fine, even though I cleaned up his junk pile on the kitchen island and teased him about organizing his clothes like a fancy boutique owner. Seriously, the boy will position a single pair of shoes on one shelf or cascade his perfectly folded underwear across a single drawer. Not like me who can cram every bit of clothing into one tiny space.
He didn’t even get upset when, after telling me about his bad cavity gene (apparently he’s had several fillings and a root canal or two), I watched him hold a burp in his mouth—cheeks puffed out under the pressure—and declared, “Maybe if you actually let your burps out, your teeth wouldn’t be so rotten.”
Yes folks, I think this whole living together thing might just work out for us.
Does that mean there could be changes in the air upon your return stateside? What? It's just a (not-so) innocent question!!! =)
Nilsa - I have no idea. That's a discussion I would like to have at some point, though...especially considering he just found out the tenant who rents his guest unit at home is moving out in mid-August. We shall see...
Just came by and was reading your travel posts and looking at the pics and I am so envious. It looks like it was a lovely trip.
Sounds like Mr. W's neatness has similar traits to your brother's!
It's a good thing though, since
many men don't pick up after themselves and organization is not in their vocabulary. Enjoy it! It
does make life easier. Glad your co-habitating is working!
I'm glad to hear you are settling in and making your new abode yours as well as Mr. W's.
The burping thing? FUNNY.
So Mel, what bad habits does he have to put up with from you? Fair is fair...
Ah, this balances out the gas.
Or was I not supposed to bring that up ever again? :)
WOW! Your stories give me hope b/c I can't imagine reliving again with someone. The last time I had a roommate (in the same exact room) was freshmen year and I lucked out. I've hated roommates since then and now I love living alone.
You're totally about to rock Mr. W's future.
glad to hear it working out...and the burp thing???you might have to work with him on that....i mean really, whodoesn't let out their burps??? no one i know.
ha, at least he holds in his burps and doesn't let them out right at you. that's always so sexy.
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