After making my big discovery of the vomiting kitten video yesterday, I emailed my cousin (Big T's wife) with a link so she—another crazy cat lady—could enjoy the hilarity of it as I had.
She responded shortly thereafter, pleased with the link and adding to my mounting cheer with her own cat story. Apparently, while cleaning out her underwear drawer recently, she discovered an old scented drawer sachet that was shaped like a bra.
Naturally, she thought, "I bet I could get this on the cat!"
She wrangled her chubby kitty into the mini brazier and admitted to saying aloud, "Oooh, you're wearing a kitty Wonder Bra, you went from an A to a C in just seconds!"
I hope people who don't know my cousin find that funny because I cracked up. And I found the picture comforting to look at after Mr. W IMed me today and told me that his filming schedule may get pushed out a week so we won't get to go on vacation at the end of my stay with him. So much for Berlin, Munich and Prague... At least I'll have cats in bras to enjoy.
too funny!!!! it would be cuter if it were a bassett hound in a bra...but the cat will have to do. what a crack up!
About your vacation plans...you may just have to go on without him! :)
Laura - I think I know what we're doing this weekend! I bet Holly and I wear the same size bikini!
I won't go without him - he'd be so sad. Worst case, we'll be staying in a hotel in London and I'll just go sightsee during the day while he's working. We should still be able to get some good weekend trips in, and maybe we'll even try to get to Germany or Prague for a night on one of those trips.
Your family is a trip! I can't imagine what holiday dinners are like - hysterical. And seriously, bra shaped drawer sachets?? WOW! Who thinks of these things?
As for Mr W and his filming schedule - while it does suck big ones, at least you'll be with him & really isn't that all that matters? Berlin, Munich and Prague will always be there.
PS Can you tell I am totally PMSing. HA!
I love you Kim!!! Only you would think to do that, and I can just hear you in your little smushy cat voice complimenting Vegas on her enhanced bustline! Sophie is too fat to fit into it, or else I would let her borrow it sometime. Maybe one of Allie's training bras will fit her. Laura - I think I might be Holly's size, so I'll pack an extra bra for the weekend.
Bummer about the vacation, but hard to feel to sorry for you when you're already getting to spend 7 weeks in London... You'll be fine as long as you're with the W.
Holly has 6 nipples....She will need 3 bras.
What? No matching panties?
I think she would really get more lift from an underwire.
I think my cat just scratched me in retaliation for this picture.
This made my day...I am such a sucker for cat pictures and videos. Here are a few for you to enjoy!
and another...
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