Even back then, I was a card-holding control freak.
I actually come from a long line of control freaks. My grandma threatened to call my sister's baby (or was it her cat...now I can't remember) a different name because she liked it better than the chosen one. My mother will not let anyone else host Thanksgiving or Christmas because only she knows how to do it "just right." And then there's me: the girl who still carries a check register and keeps her account balanced to the penny at all times.
Given how thrilling it is for me to wield my organizational and decision-making power, it should be no surprise that I decided to DIY so much of my wedding stuff. The budget was also a huge consideration. I just can't see why I'd want to spend hundreds of dollars paying someone else to do what I can do myself. (And maybe do it better, says the control freak...)
The other upside of DIYing is that no one else anywhere will have the exact same details I have. My wedding will have totally unique elements, and to me that makes it feel even more special.
The first things I started working on after Mr. Wonderful greenlit the project were my invitations. Was it a bit of a pain to make 80 of them? You bet. But it was extremely gratifying to pack them up and mail them last week. I had to conceal Mr. W's identity on the one below so that there's no temptation on your part to stalk him...

The next big endeavor was the shoes. It was so much fun sewing the pearls and crystals to the first one. The second was a pain in the ass.

This weekend, I wired pearls and crystals onto a vintage hair barrette I bought on Etsy. I couldn't believe how well it turned out, or how easy it was to do.
And also this weekend, I hit the Los Angeles flower mart with my food and flower expert friend so we could practice assembling bouquets and centerpieces. It looks like I'll be able to buy all the flowers I need for a mere $250. I cannot understand why anyone would want to pay a florist when it's so easy to put together pretty arrangements on a shoestring! Pardon my un-ironed tablecloth.

All the crafty projects I've been working on have been a real mix of joy and frustration. At times, they've felt like burdens. Other times, they were the perfect escape.
In the end, I know they'll make my wedding exactly the way I've dreamed it to be. And that makes the control freak inside a very, very happy bride.
I absolutely love the personal touches you're putting on this wedding. Just remember to call in the troops (your friends & family & Mr W) if you are stressed and need help ... they love you and will chip in some labor to keep you sane. xoxo
very impressive!
I see myself in you. :-)
It's going to be wonderful.
Please feel free to host Thanksgiving and Christmas.
It is the family's pressure that I always host it and provide the same meal each year. I would love to be a guest!
Hey - I've had Thanksgiving before and I recall it being quite a nice meal. We can park at the Hollywood Bowl and take a shuttle up to your
house this year, since parking is a little tight. Sounds like mom would be thrilled. Are you going to post pictures of your bedazzled wedding bra and undies too?
I hear you, Mel. I was such a control freak that I made all 20 of my centrepieces and ended up gluing my hand to one of them!
All your personal touches and labor of love are so impressive and such a special gift to your guests.
I love that it can be so uniquely you. And from what I've seen before, it's as good as if not better than all the overpriced "stuff."
I usually calculate how much my time is worth versus paying someone else to do it and someone else wins. But then again, I don't enjoy assembling crap. Oops, I mean, "crafting."
In fact, I wish I could pay someone to assemble my son's Lego toys. I spent four hours this weekend putting together some sort of X-Wing Fighter. I'd love to contract it out.
P.S. You have done a lovely a job. And you enjoy it! So why indeed pay someone else?
What is so controling about balancing your check book to the penny? LOL That is me to a tee.
Your wedding is going to be beautiful!
The only part about being a control freak is you come in for a hard landing on things you can't control. We got married at the Music Academy in Montecito. At the rehearsal the day before, we were out by the lilly pond, it was about 76 degrees and sunny. Woke up the next morning to a torrential downpour - it hadn't rained on that date in 18 years. Fortunately, we were able to roll with it and move the wedding inside the Academy. It was actually awesome, even if not exactly as planned. My point is give yourself enough flexibility to roll with a few unexpected punches. They're always there and if you let them be, then sometimes they're the best part of it. Oh, I've also been know to stay up for hours chasing down two dollars cause my checkbook was off. I have issues.
i too have control-freak gene, but i've never been able to use it so creatively. wow - i love the details and how amazing everything looks. the hair clip is just beautiful. maybe you should be a wedding planner?
btw - you left the address for your reception in the photo. you might get some wedding crashers :)
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