First of all, is it just me or are like 90% of the guys on that show total tools?! Seriously. I feel for poor DeAnna. Her pickins are so slim. And that Robert she voted off—what a wenis! Nice shirt unbuttoned to your happy trail hair. Ugh. I wanted to throw rocks at the TV. The only good one on there is the guy with the kid.
Secondly, does anyone have any idea where to get an adorable gold top like the one she wore on her Robert/Fred date? It was so cute! If I were her, I would’ve just given all my roses to that top. And maybe bought it an engagement ring, too.
Okay now onto the real story from Monday.
My sister (who is 10 years my senior) has two daughters. Her youngest is in fourth grade and was going to be celebrating Frontier Day or Goldmining Day or some related made-up holiday at school this week, so my sister decided to dig out her Holly Hobbie costume from childhood for her to wear.
When my niece came downstairs to model the bright red getup my mom had made 30 years earlier, we all burst out laughing.
“Mooommm,” she whined, “Can’t I just wear jeans and a flannel shiiiirt?”
“Oh but you look so cute,” my sister said, adjusting her bonnet. “You look like…like…one of those polygamist wives from Texas.”
And then, being the warped and brilliant sisters we are, we made my niece pose with her stomach popped out as far as it would go so that she looked like a pregnant teenage polygamist bride.
I think she makes a real purdy sister wife, don’t you?

You ladies are geniuses! She can pose for pics, but make sure she sends a postcard when she gets back to compound, ok?
That is A-W-E-S-O-M-E !
best blog yet. Poor Allie....what a good sport...and for the record...she TOTALLY looks like a polygamist bride. Love it.
That's just wrong on so many, many levels.
Really it is.
Dammit, I really should stop laughing, too...
And the award for Best Post and Corresponding Picture EVER goes to...
OMG, so freakin' funny that it's taking me out of my Lakers loss funk. Thanks Mel.
love it! Your nieces are so lucky to learn how to exploit the funny moments in life already! And the art of taking a great snapshot!
OMG - that's hilarious! Before I read the post, I saw the picture and thought "polygamy anyone"?? Now that I know why you took the picture - you're too funny! Clearly making up for what's lacking on the boob tube (I gave up watching the Bachelor(ette) years ago!)
I picked the right time to be a first time visitor! Nice work. The old 14 year old polygamist sister wife never gets old!
You know how much I love this...but, as we discussed, we may need to see another pic with the awesome polyg hair. Notice I use the abbreviated version. Now that I live in Utah, I feel like they are somehow my peeps. Or at least I feel like I can make fun of them more :)
Now you be nice to that darling little girl and don't be making fun of Holly Hobbie either. She was well known at one time. I think Allie looks just as adorable as her mother did when she wore the outfit 30 years ago. And aren't we glad it was saved all these years!
The sick/funny thing is she really does look like one of those poly wives!
HOW CUTE! And funny!!! Your poor niece - at least she was able to provide some comic relief to you and your sister. Oh and the bachelorette? Not digging any of her suitors, I hear ya - if I were her I would seriously ask for a do over!
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