Sex and the City has this amazing quality of tapping the most common—and often frustrating—aspects of single (and now married) girl-life. I honestly feel like there is a piece of my soul that can only be nurtured by watching that show. I literally find myself hearkening back to its episodes on almost a daily basis.
Like last week when Mr. Wonderful bought me an extra head for his electric brush, I was like, “Ohmygosh this is totally like when Big gave Carrie the pink attachment to his electric toothbrush!”
The breakups and heartaches, dating disasters, silly sexcapades—they’re all so easy to relate to. But what I enjoyed most about the movie was that it wasn't all about the sex. Sure, there were some steamy scenes and a little full-frontal male (talk about getting your money’s worth!), but the main message was Love.
It was so touching to see what love meant—how it revealed itself—in each of the character’s lives. It made me cry (quite a bit) and made me thankful to be surrounded by friends. Three of whom I’ve known for 27 years, two cousins, two kickass marathon friends, and two friends I’ve just met in the last year. We’re all quite different from one another, but like Carrie, Samantha, Miranda and Charlotte, love has had a unique impact on all of our lives.
For those of you who’ve seen the movie, tell me the Poughkeepsie part wasn’t the funniest thing ever?! My other favorite was the opening of the Assistant’s email file.
If you saw it on the big screen, what were some of your favorite parts?
three words: Best Movie Ever
I am proud to say that I cried THREE times during the movie. Once when Carrie was sleeping away her Mexican honeymoon, second was when Steve and Miranda ran to each other on the Brooklyn Bridge and the third was at the end when Big and Carrie kissed and made up in the walk-in closet. BTW, as the clotheshorse that I am, the very presentation of the walk-in closet at the beginning of the movie was one of my favorite parts of the entire movie. :) Anyway, I LOVED LOVED LOVED the movie and am so glad it did well. Just means that we can anticipate a sequel, where the "girls" are older, wiser, but still just as fabulous.
I'm out on this one.
9 friends at the movies? I haven't done that since the first Austin Powers flick!!
My favorite part was Carrie walking into the closet to find Big at the end and the fact that she just ran to him and they knew everything would be ok. Can you say TEARS! I loved the whole thing and I will probably go see it again next week LOL =0)
Love you by the way. And I'm so glad we all went together.
Um, oops. My comment for this post is accidentally on the one above this! Sorry!
There were so many parts that I loved! I loved Big's face when he opens the door to Carrie's girls - after they have the courthouse non-wedding. His face is adorable at that moment when he surprises her by saying he called them!
Laura - Well put. I think I might have to go see it again.
Anita - Where's your blog post about the movie, lady?! I think I heard angels on high when the walk-in closet opened.
Michael C - I don't know if I've ever gone to the movies with 9 people. Maybe for the 25th anniversary of Grease...
Diz - I know. So touching. Wish I could've held your hand during that part.
Brookem - I saw your other comment. :) Across the board, Charlotte was one of my favorites in the whole movie. She was so cute and funny. I'm sure you wonder as I do, what the heck would we do without SATC to guide us through being single?!
A Life Uncommon - Big is adorable. Even when he freaked out, I felt for him. I'm glad he and Carrie got their happy ending.
I am going to have to admit, that inspite of my kleenex refusal at the beginning of the movie, I did cry, and at my absolute favorite part... the poughkipsie - made me laugh until I had a few tears in the corners of my eyes I had to brush away. I thought it was a great movie... and honestly a perfect ending. I hope they don't try to make another one. As fun as it is, that was a perfect wrap-up.
Best part, when Charlotte Poughkeepsied in her pants! I was hysterical. Also, when big proposed at the end with that blue manolo beauty. Love him & love them together. Also, suprisingly - loved Jennifer Hudson as Carrie's assistant. Glad you finally got to see it!
I was so happy to see the movie I got a little weepy when it started! I loved everything about it. The beginning the middle the end. ALL of it.
It's such a great show. And I totally reference it to my life all the time too.
The little bit you wrote about Mr. Wonderful and the toothbrush made me laugh. Too Cute.
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