This reminded me of a candy bar I saw recently when Mr. Wonderful and I were at the Winehouse in West LA. I’ve had some weird chocolate combos in my day—including hot chili, pear and rosemary—but the chocolate bar I saw at Winehouse took the cake. Made the grade. Fried the pig.

Yes, it was a Vosges’ bacon bar. Bacon and milk chocolate. Who knew Reese’s didn’t nail it with peanut butter and chocolate—that the real key to cocoa bliss was a little pork?
I didn’t buy a bar, but given that I love bacon and chocolate (separately…and perhaps together, but that’s yet to be determined) I kind of wish I had purchased one. Maybe you daring readers will venture out and find yourself one.
Next thing you know, Bristol Farms will start carrying delicacies like donut-covered hotdogs and salami crème bruleé. Look out world, meat and sweets may be here to stay!
Mike's sister is vegan and years ago Mike bought her a beef shake as a gag birthday gift. A few years later, we got her a license plate frame that said - "Cows Are Yummy". As a reciprocal gag gift, she gave Mike this exact same bar for a Christmas gift. It is sitting in our freezer - we haven't ventured to eat it yet, but I'll let you know how it tastes when we do.
Amy, please eat it and tell me how it is!!! I think they have an expiration I'm not sure it'll be very good after spending so much time in the freezer... But I still think you should give it a go!
People (not me!) eat chocolate covered grasshoppers, chocolate covered coffee beans, chocolate covered anything. This may be one that I would actually try. The lure of bacon and chocolate would be too great.
My problem would be trying to figure out how to round out the meal. Eggs? Peanut butter? Syrup? Caramel and nougat? The combinations are endless?!
I was skeptical but after one bite I'm a convert. I've always been a fan of sweet and salty mixed together. (Chocolate covered pretzels anyone?!?) So why not bacon? The bacon is subtle, smaller than bacon bits. The first few bites take getting used to but when you're done with a square, it's hard to not eat another one. Try it!
tempting... i like bacon with my veggies... so perhaps with my chocolate... i think i threw up a little in my mouth just pretending to eat it. I don't think I am that adventurous yet!
Salami crème bruleé? Chocalate pork? I think I just got a little excited (that's what she said). You've opened entire possibilities that my mind isn't even prepared to comprehend yet! But I'll try/
ahh! i dont know if i could do it!
Bacon. I can do no wrong. 'Nuff said. :D
Er, "IT can do no wrong." Darn un-editable comments...
Dingo - Grasshoppers on their own cannot taste good...but bacon on its own is good. So the chocolate combo has to work, right? I like your side dish suggestions!
Anita - I'm SO glad someone I know has tried it! You rule! Now I'm totally going to buy one...I wonder if I should cook it in a frying pan before I eat it...
Alysha - The fact that you threw up a little made me pee a little.
Michael C - I almost gave you a special shout-out in this post. I had a feeling you'd be on board!
Brookem - It would ruin your bootcamp! Wait until after the wedding. :P
Geekhiker - I love your typo! It's almost as though you were speaking to Bacon, telling it you could do no wrong. Cracked me up. ;)
Vosages chocolate? Scrumptious! And the mixture of bacon and chocolate? Might just work. You've got the sweetness from the chocolate and the savory from the bacon. I dunno if I'd like it, but I'd certainly be up for trying it!
Heh, now that I read it again, it is kinda funny. Now if only I could be that humorous on purpose...
How did I miss this?! So sorry!
It would be such an internal conflict for me. I love bacon, I hate chocolate. AHHHH!
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