I forgot how funny three-year-olds can be, and found SJ’s random bursts into song and silly observations quite entertaining.
At one point, her daddy was telling us about a game they like to play where they try to come up with the grossest meal they can think of. We all decided to join in the fun, throwing out ideas like:
“How about green beans dipped in peanut butter?”
“How about a hot dog with honey and sauerkraut?”
“How about a brownie with sushi on top?”
Then, quite exasperated, SJ chimed in:
“How about a chocolate-covered fart?!”
Clearly, she was the winner.
Oh my gosh - I guess we left too early. Too funny - so where does this fit into the 3 words we were not allowed to say! I am sure S&C
were mortified - after they stopped laughing!
Apparently she listens to some song about a chocolate-covered farm...and her dadddy occasionally changes the words to the song...
Oh, and by the way....I am a little sensitive right now about fart talk because Bernie is, as I write this, in the animal hospital with what I thought were major intestinal problems...turns out it's just gas. Yes, blood work and 2 x-rays later determined that he needs to do his own chocolate covered fart. I'm so embarassed for him...
I hear the carob covered farts at Whole Foods is actually quite tasty and low-cal.
That is so funny! I love 3 year olds that already have fart humor! Allie was very bummed that she missed out on that game. And remember - "We must never say idiot."
PS - Laura - at least now you know you can just slip Bernie a little Gas-X in his dog chow next time, and forgo the expensive medical tests!
Is that what comes after eating too much chocolate-covered bacon?
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