When I was in fourth grade, my sister (who is 10 years older than me) started a gift basket company with her best friend called Basket Case. I remember the floor of her bedroom being covered with silk flowers and coffee mugs and chocolates and baby gifts and anything else you could put into a themed, woven receptacle, wrapped with cellophane. I think she was in the midst of basket-making when I read Are You There God It's Me Margaret and magically started my period for one day...not to have it again until age 15 3/4...
Anyway, over the last few weeks, I feel like I have been assembling my own little basket—but it's full of unruly emotions and baubles of stress. I'm not entirely sure why I'm such a wreck right now...it's likely related to the transition coming up next week. It's an exciting transition, but a scary one too. So much to think about before I go. A fear of feeling lost once I get there. Nagging thoughts about how it will be living together. And other stuff I can't put my finger on. It's been making me feel vulnerable to the point of tears. Mr. W tries to help, but I think he may be grappling with a few feelings of uncertainty too. It doesn't help that he's been on location, so our interaction has been limited for the past two weeks.
Today as I tried to explain some of this to him, tearing up in my cubicle, I realized that the best thing to do was to turn to youtube. So I clicked my way over and did a search for "kittens." Here's the video I found that immediately made me feel better.
I can't believe you look up kitten videos to make yourself feel better. Okay, I do believe it. At least that one had an ending I'm familiar with, at least with kids.
Wow TWA - What else would I do to make myself feel better? You totally could've predicted this one. And this was a bonus because barfing cats are extra funny. Barfing kids? Not so much.
everything will be fine when you get there next week....and in the meantime, just keep yourself busy and distracted. You will be on the plane before you know it and in for the opportunity of a lifetime!!
OOOOOOOHHHHH! You gotta warn me about those videos. I just spewed go lean all over my laptop!
And it made me realize that I should have kids because I would put it and a cat out for puking on my hardwood floors.
I totally agree with Laura, I think once you get there - you will be fine. It's the leading up to the point, the uncertainty that's hard. Just remember, this is what you've been waiting for all this time.
Oh you are going to have the best experience with all of this, I just know it. In fact, you're already having it now!
(And getting to read about it is also quite great.)
I'm convinced everyone should read "How To Be The Adult In Relationships" if they are ... an adult in a relationship. I haven't even finished it, but it's already changing my mindset dramatically.
P.S. Everything you and Mr. W are feeling is normal. But I suspect you both know that.
That video was full of surprises! Loved it.
Laura - I know - that's the lame thing. I KNOW I'll be fine once I'm on that plane. It's just the anticipation and errands and everything else that's making me nuts.
Coconut - Hahaha sorry! So you didn't think it was funny? Just pukey?
Brandi - I know I've been waiting for it. That makes it extra frustrating that I'm such a whack job. :)
JustRun - Thanks...I know it'll all be fine. And hopefully I'll have great tales to share every day!
Mandy - Thanks, I'm glad to know the instability is actually normal. :) I will add that book to my list - I just have to finish The Good Marriage: How and Why Love Lasts; Certain Girls; The Power of Now; and Bird by Bird (which I think you recommended to me!).
Mermanda - I know! It totally cracked me up...poor little barfbag kitty. :P
Oh read Bird by Bird right now and skip the rest.
Does this mean it's my turn to stop telling you to be so negative and look on the bright side? ;)
any big change, i think, brings feelings of ambivalence. im with others who said that things are going to feel more... right, once you're there. hang in there girlfriend!
Er, I meant, "Does this mean it's my turn to tell you to stop being so negative and look on the bright side? ;)"
Damn, dyslexic getting in my old age!
Also try cuteoverload.com it will make anyone feel great. I go to it daily and I can't help but feel all happy inside.
Geekhiker - YES! It's totally your turn! I need someone to keep me in check. Bring on the slapping.
Brookem - You've seen "Kittens inspired by Kittens" right? :) Thanks for the encouragement. I hope there is many a happy post ahead.
Hannah - OOh I forgot about that site. I'll definitely check it out. I also have a hilarious picture that cousin Kim sent me yesterday of her cat. I might write a post about it, it's so good.
It makes perfect sense to be feeling all those things given the place you are in. I bet it's going to be awesome once you are there though.
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