I haven't had a lot of time to post lately, but when a friend sent me this link today, I had to pass it on to all my Internet pals. Watch the video and listen to the testimonials to get the full list of benefits for the product. It's priceless. I think I know what I'm buying all my relatives for Christmas now...the
Comfort Wipe.
I don't even know what to say.
Laura, my boss and I were just discussing what you do if you have to do a double-wipe. Do you drop the used toilet paper in between your legs into the toilet? Seems like with that big unwieldy wand, you could be asking for poopy toilet paper stuck to your back.
Am I awful to wonder what the instructions say? I'm thinking "Always front to back, ladies!" But maybe they assume you know that?
I'm ordering one.
Is that even for real? It looked like a Saturday Night Live commercial.
Hmmm....this one has me stumped. What does one DO with that wand exactly??
Now whenever someone tells me to "get a grip", I'm going to think of it in a whole different (and very wrong) way...
If you can't wipe your own ass then you have bigger problems than "touching dirty tissue". And 18 inches?? Ewww...
Who in the world needs an 18" reach? And? Comparing it to a back brush just skeeved me out. I envision a horrible shower mix up. And? And? Where do you store it? Do you share it with family members? Oh, my god... I think I need to go lie down.
Dingo - My friends at work and I came up with a brilliant accompaniment to the wand yesterday - A Comfort Wipe Coozy. That way, you have a place to store it. We also considered a holster to ensure easy travel throughout the day.
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